Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Sunday, August 28, 2011

moving along...slowly

               Happy sunday evening!  I'm enjoying the last couple of hours before bed and then three days of work in a row:(  We have been seeing all these American couples with Asian children lately!  Its so neat to see them at different ages and wonder what our child will look like!  Since I last blogged we have each done our individual homestudies and are waiting on our final session which will be on September14th!  If I understand right Vicki, our caseworker will have our complete homestudy typed up and ready.  We also visited an adoption clinic in Akron Childrens Hospital and talked to a Dr. Kempf who will examine our child within a week or so of returning from China depending on what medical need our child has.  For those of you that don't know we are planning on going with a special needs child.  We are hoping for something mild or correctable but we know that God is in control!  We talked with Dr. Kempf about some medical conditions that we would be willing to consider.  She was very helpful by just helpng us to understand excactly what some of the conditions consist of.  So other than that we have been doing alot of reading that is required, and probably for good reason.  Some of the things we read are not so rosey and its easy to get discouraged but we are just trying to be realistic but yet optamistic about what to expect:)  Oh and also...we pretty much have our names picked out for the baby!  Buuuuut... it's a secret:)  I feel like I should be doing something else to get prepared, like starting on the child's room, or buying a diaper bag, or toys, or something!  But the reality is, we don't kmow if it will be a boy or a girl or even what age the child will be, so until we get the refferal I REALLY can't do too much:(  Well I'll keep you all informed of any progress but as you can see we are moving along...slowly!