Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013

Well we had a good Christmas.  Kai still wasn't 100% but he felt well enough with Advil that he still enjoyed the day.  He is one blessed little boy, he got so many great gifts, and he has a birthday coming next month. I'm not one to really push the Santa thing and we don't go overboard trying to convince him of anything, as we want Christmas to be about Jesus' birth, but I have to say, seeing the wonder in his eyes when he came out of his room to see a huge thing in the middle of the living room covered with a blanket was amazingly  awesome(train table) Pictures aren't the best since getting Kai to hold still was a little challenging:) Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas too!
What a mess we had to clean up!
Our table decor
Favorite toy award goes to the train table from Santa
His very own vacume cleaner that is now stored right next to Mommy's
Kai not feeling well on Christmas:(

Grandma Smith, Mom, and Viola
Drew getting some love from Grandma Smith
opening his accordion from Great Grandma Swartz

A new Bike from Great Grandma Smith!