Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Patience Please!

               Well I'm afraid I dont have too much new information to hand out, but there is a few things and I just wanted to let everyone know whats going on in our heads! LOL  I have now become pretty much officially lost as to whats going on, what we are waiting on etc.  I also have officially almost run out of patience!  Even my Husband we has remained cool as a cucumber for the most part is getting a little ouchy. ha  It just seems like we cant catch a break.  Every little step is like pulling teeth and every thing is taking longer than we where told.    Every one told us the last few months are the worst and boy were they right!!!  Ok I got that out of my system:)

             WE have had SUCH a busy summer!  I finally feel like I am getting a handle on my job and have started to really enjoy it.  I also am close to hiring someone to work with me and for me while I am off for 6 weeks.  That will be a huge burden lifted.  I have been having some health problems which  are now also close to being taken care of we hope.  Stress  can do awful things to your body thats for sure.  I have  boughten quite a lot of things for Kai:)  This weekend we are planning on going to buy car seats and a booster seat for at the table.  I'm also getting things I need to take along on our trip like OTC meds since the are hard to get in China.  It seems like a lot of people end up with bad colds over there.  This week I made a big batches of chicken noodle soup, vegatable soup, and beef and noodles to freeze.  We also tore out a lot of flowers and cut off perenials and such just so we dont have to worry about it closer to travel time.
                                            We Did learn the Kai's Chinese name is not Hu Peng, it's Peng Hu.  I guess they write it backwards from us.  It caused a near disaster with imigration paper work and an almost setback but luckily someone caught it for us!  Whew  Well We are still hoping to travel either the end of October or the first of November.  It's funny I was looking back at old blog posts and I saw where back in November 2011 I put that I was bummed because it could be another year until we travel, I didnt really think it would be but I was right!  I just can't believe how long this process takes but am thankful that we are able to do it and still trust in Gods timing.  We ask that you continue to pray for us in this journey, we are still trying to come up with the last few thousand dollars for our trip and such, and also my health would continue to improve.