Ready for his first trip to Wilmington! |
First time eating ice cream and liking it! He ate the whole bowl:) |
Mr. Popular:) |
Kai had to be close to his new friend Addy |
Kai and his new friend! |
First nap in his own room! What a big boy |
Birthday morning balloons in the bed! |
Those things didn't leave his side all morning. |
Kai posing with his new kitchen! |
Party time at Grandma's House! |
Uncle Travis and his crew getting into the party spirit |
Even Grandpa is Rockin' the ears! |
He really isn't picking his nose I promise:) |
Kai's "horsey" cake from Litty's |
Why is frosting so much better than cake?? |
Birthday Rockstar! |
I know this is a lot of pictures to look at but believe me I scaled it down big time! So to start with last weekend we went down to Wilmington with Kai for the first time. For those of you who don't know Wilmington is a town just north of Cincinnati where Reuben and I used to live. We have dear, dear friends who still live there. These folks are really just those rare people you meet in your life that you know you could never forget and they will always have such a special place in our hearts. Our Family away from home:) Kai had such a good time getting to know the children and we did some much needed catching up! It was also the longest car ride he has been on and he did wonderful!
This Saturday the 26th was Kai's 3rd Birthday. I think he had a pretty amazing day! It also started with the balloons in bed, a Birthday breakfast at Grandma's restaurant in Mt Eaton, and then a short nap followed by play time with the new kitchen we got him. Later we all went to dinner at the Chinese Buffet where he always gets tons of attention from the waitresses. They brought him a "cake" which consisted of some mandarin oranges and whip cream and half a banana with a candle stuck in it. Seriously that just says it all about the difference between the Asian diet and big fat America:) It was then off to Grandma's for a Mickey Mouse themed party with tons of presents and a horsey cake. Best. Day. Ever. Among his favorite gifts was the puppy guitar. He has been imitating guitar playing lately so we thought he would like it. Lets just say playing that thing is no laughing matter, it is serious business! So funny:)
So other than partying hardy Kai has been spending his days soaking it all in, he really likes going to Grandma's house and playing with his cousins, he comes home wound up every night! He is saying a lot more English words- horsey, buggy, ouch, brrr cold, all gone, see ya, car, semi, truck, kitty and the list goes on. He seems to understand A LOT. He can count to 5 in English unprovoked, knows basic colors, all his body parts and many animal names and sounds. I am just so ready for him to speak lots and lots of English, I know I will probably regret saying that:) So right now we are just chugging along living life, goals for the near future are still working towards getting him in his own room, working on manners and language skills. He is doing so well, we are so pleased and feel so blessed to have such a super kid. I'm starting to sound like a bragging Mom. Ha. Hopefully a pediatric ortho surg appointment coming soon and I will let ya'll know how that goes!