We came across something very special! Or I should say Reuben did. I don't quite understand how he did it but somehow he found out about an organization called Love Without Boundaries. They go into orphanages and provide assistance. Apparently if you send in a request and let them know what orphanage your child was in and what dates, they will send you any pictures they may have, if they have any from there. So they sent us a file from Enmei in 2012, 2011, and 2010. Low and behold there is no denying that in the pictures from the fall of 2010 is our KAI! We feel so truly blessed to have something so random, so rare, and so touching as baby pictures of our son! Apparently the organization had donated the little outfits the babies are wearing and took pictures of them wearing them. It really makes me realize that with all those babies there really is no way Kai could have gotten the care and attention babies need at that age, it makes me sad, it makes me want to pick him up and squeeze him a little tighter, it helps me to understand his insecurities a little better, and just makes me feel somehow closer to him and feel like I got a tiny glimpse into his past. He is doing OK, struggling at times, crying every night right now. But we are making progress, one step back but two steps forward! Just remember him, and us when you say your prayers. I so want him to heal from what he had to go through in his early life and forget every bad thing and fear he every had to face alone!
Kai is in the back left |
second baby down from the top |
baby on the left
probably 8-11 months old |