Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Friday, August 16, 2013

Summer 2013

Great Grandma Swartz feeding Kai Ice cream
 This has been an eventful summer for our family.  Lots of fun times, but times of sorrow too.  I'm not a fan of change, and it's seems like we are in a season of our lives where God is making some big changes. As I look back on my life so far I can see a definite trend going on, any time there has been a big change( job change, moving, adding a child, death in the family, etc) I have struggled and struggled and gone through a major period of stress and or depression.   About nine months ago we got the biggest change of all and that was the arrival of our little Kai.  It was a big change for the better but it didn't come with out it's struggles.  The good part about struggling is it is the refiners fire, God molding us and shaping us into what he wants us to be through life experience, pain and trials.
Playing a game with Daddy in St Louis

 We've also lost our precious dog Adam.  He was waaay more than a dog to us, he was son. He was there with us through our entire marriage, comforted me while my arms where empty, and provided lots of entertainment.  Knowing he was happy and content and healthy was part of what made everything ok in world for me.  Our grief was and is absolutely crushing.  Kai misses him too and still asks for him.  Adam is in Heaven, happy and not sick anymore. ( Kai's words)

Holmes County Fair

Leaving the fair with a smile on his face:)

Pony ride at the circus earlier this summer
My Grandma and Grandpa in the photo booth
I couldn't do a blog post without doing a little tribute to my Grandpa who passed away last week.  I still can't believe it.  There was so many things I hadn't asked him yet, great-grandchildren he had yet to meet. Places he and Grandma had yet to visit, winters in Florida he was going to have.  The list goes on.  But Jesus called him home in his own perfect timing and I will understand some day.  Our family can never and will never be the same.  I'm worried about my Grandma, she likes change even less than I do, and her and Grandpa where hardly ever apart.  Prayers for her in the days, weeks and months to come. 

Drew loving some Grandpa time!
  The thing about this summer is through all the bad time and big changes came fun, and lots of it.  We went to a circus, went swimming with friends, went on a trip to St. Louis for a wedding where we went to a water park and the Zoo.  We also had plenty of time with family which makes everything more fun!  Reuben Kai and I have enjoyed good health all summer, and I never forget what a blessing that is.  Kai also has made huge strides for the better this summer, we feel that he is forming deep bonds with us and is so happy with life.  He threw his first fit when I left him at the babysitter which to most parents is not a happy thing and it wasn't for me either but inside I was smiling and thanking God because that is a great sign that he is bonding well.  He wanted me not because he was scared or insecure, he's been there many times.  He wanted me because I'm his Mommy, and he loves me!  We don't know what God has in store for us, what comes next?  Job change? Move? Another child? How? Where? When?  We truly have no idea what is next and usually that drives me nuts, I'm a planner, and organizer.  But for once in my life, I don't care, I trust God, and I'm excited to see what's next.  I know he will be by our sides no matter what.  Whom shall we fear?