Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Move..moving on.

Well we have moved, in with my in-laws that is.  It seems it has been a little confusing for people because our new house isn't even close to being done but we have moved.  Well we where hoping to be able to stay in our house until it was time to move into our new house but God had other plans for us.  Our house sold before we ever listed it!  We were so relieved and glad we didn't have to go through a realtor or the stress of an auction and glad to be passing our home onto a nice young couple who is expecting their first child!   But unfortunately this meant a lapse of several months where we were to be "homeless".  My in-laws where gracious enough to let us take over a good portion of their house for a few months.  So far it has gone really well!  My mother-in-law has been spoiling me by cooking for us and doing some of our laundry.
  Kai on the other hand has had a few struggles through all this.  I keep telling myself to imagine I had nothing, not one thing that was mine, then imagine that I was given everything I ever wanted...a cozy house, a bedroom, lots of toys. Everything was good, normal, I knew what to expect, I knew I was safe and I pretty much finally believed that I was not leaving my Mom and Dad.  Then one by one every little bit of that cozy house was packed in boxes, out of my sight, piece by piece every part of my normal was ripped away until I didn't know what to believe any more.  That is what my son is facing.  He has had some trouble sleeping, a lot of the old compulsive behaviors have returned, asking the same question 50 times a day, yelling mommy the minute I'm out of his sight, following me everywhere and an insane fear of being alone. We had a little trouble with some potty training backsliding but thank the Lord nothing major, also a little acting out at school and some increased anger but nothing we can't handle.   It's not as bad as in the beginning, but its pretty bad.  I can already see an improvement in a little under two weeks of our new temporary normal but I try not to get my hopes too high because the changes are not over yet!  I know this move had to happen if we want to bring another child into our home so I just try to remember that all this is temporary and it is a happy change, with some bumps along the way. 
  Other than the above issues with all the change, Kai is doing great.  He is so funny and you definitely never know what to expect out of him!  He also seems to have one heck of a guardian angel with him, he got his whole hand in a ringer yesterday and escaped unscathed(someone doesn't always listen very well as he has been told a hundred times to stay back), and he grabbed a pretty mean electric fence tonight and somehow didn't even get shocked??  Kinda like the time he turned the saw on while daddy had his hand down in it changing the blade and daddy somehow didn't have as much as a scratch when he pulled his hand out??  I'm telling ya, there is something about this kid!
  Well here are some pictures of our progress on the house, supposedly we are backfilling either Friday or Monday and they are framing on Wednesday (weather permitting)  So that is pretty exciting stuff:)  Prayers that this house is up and finished in record time!