Well, I'd say this update is a little...ahem...overdue. I had some pictures I was going to post but our internet connection is really bad here and I'm blaming that for my technical difficulties. So I will just fill you all in on what happening in our world. We are all settled in here at my in-laws house, I thought I'd answer some FAQ's. Yes, we have electricity, yes we have TV. We have the whole upstairs to ourselves and I am using my MIL's canning kitchen in the basement. Is it 100% convenient, nope. I'm in total teenager mode, I have to force myself to cook and clean, having a garden or canning or making homemade every-stinkin-thing seems like a distant memory. Do I use MIL's washer/dryer, nope. She still mostly uses a ringer washer and hangs things to dry so I just felt a little bit more comfortable going to the laundry mat. lol Do we eat together every night, nope. Usually only on a special occasion or if there is just a good reason too, I am trying to maintain somewhat of a family unit even if we are living all together. Do I hate it here, nope. I really don't mind it. I am in awe of my husbands family, especially my MIL, she is always chipper, she is so kind to me, always looking for a way to bless me. If she sees that I am tired or have been going nonstop she will come entertain Kai for a while. She washes our towels, dries them, and folds them three times a week. She makes us dandelion gravy and puts my food in the oven if I ask her to while I'm at work. She is always willing to chat and give some advice. I really feel this arrangement has taken our relationship to a new level and for that I am glad. What am I looking forward to the most at our new house you ask? Well, most of all even heating and cooling, no window air conditioners, not trying to out smart the hot water heater into providing me with a hot shower every day, not having two flights of stairs to travel up and down every time I need to go to the kitchen or forget my keys(or anything else) upstairs or carry bags or laundry up and down. Also having a dog that wants out all the time when you are basically on the third floor is not fun either. The good news is that Kai is back to his old self, no more anger issues for the most part.So basically I'm just really excited for the convenience of a nice new ranch style house with an attached garage. Reuben has been working pretty much every spare minute on the new house which is exactly what I didn't want him to do, but I knew he just wouldn't be able to stand it any other way. We have the house all sided now which some of you probably noticed when you drove by. Right now they are working on the dry wall and I'm crossing my fingers that maybe they will have some painting done and the kitchen cabinets in by the end of next week. It seems like the drywallers are in slow motion right now.
Kai is doing so good. I realized something yesterday when I was with Kai on his field trip to the wilderness center. I am that mom wants my child to be like the other kids, to act like them and just blend in. I am shy, an introvert, and am pretty sure I suffer from social anxiety. You guys...Kai is LOUD, he marches to the beat of his own drum, he has no concept of what may or may not be inappropriate in any given situation. He is THAT KID, that kid in the public restroom who yells MOMMY IT STINKS IN HERE, he points and says MOMMY LOOK at any person or situation that catches his eye. I made the mistake once of taking him with me into a crowded dressing room and no matter how much I told him to be quiet and put my hand over his mouth, he was laughing loudly and saying MOMMY I SEE YOUR _____! He is such a handful, telling him not do something once or twice and expecting him to listen is pretty much a joke. He has to touch, taste, feel discipline. I have yet to really find any form of discipline that works consistently with him. He gets in trouble at school, I never did that. Lately I have tried having him repeat what I say eg. I am not allowed to kick the dog. So far I think it helps a little. He is a button pusher, always pushing limits and seeing how far he can take things, an extremist. I just have to laugh at how different we are. That being said he is very smart, sensitive, always looking out for the underdog. He can't get enough hugs and kisses, I'm pretty sure his love language is physical touch. He loves a good time, loves it. He loves other kids and doesn't mean to push or dump sand on their heads, he just gets so excited he loses all sense of what is appropriate. LOL This kid is a walking party, happy, smiling, imaginative, wonderful. That's my kid. He causes me to have laughing fits in public, and I do a lot of blushing and shushing. I can't wait to see what our next child is like, I think Kai will do well with someone to play with, but may have some jealousy issues:) Well Kai is using a ball bat to send his Mr. Potato head and accessories flying across the room so I better cut this short:) I'll try to update sooner!