Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Monday, February 20, 2012

Something a Little Different

                 This entry is going to be vastly different from any of my other entries so far.  I also am choosing not put a link to this on Facebook.  I believe those that truly love and know us will check for new entries on their own.  This is fairly new for me to post something like this so I just don't know that I'm ready to advertise yet. ha  So God put something on my heart today and many days before this, but especially today.  Today God reminded me that as Christians we are to be DIFFERENT than non-believers.  If we aren't that different, or our only difference is how we spend our Sunday mornings, I believe we are DECEIVED!  The way to Heaven is narrow and few will enter! 
                         " Forgive me Lord for being sucked in to things the world says is ok or normal.  Help me not to judge others lifestyle choices without condoning them.  Help me to be a RADICAL Christian and not luke warm.  For no man can serve two masters.  Help me to be a light in this dark world and let my life never hinder another believer or justify a non-believer.  Help me to remember that I am but an ALIEN in this world and my true home is in Heaven with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. "  Amen
                            Today I was also reminded that we are truly in the middle of a mission field right here in Holmes county.  I ask that all of my fellow believers join me in praying for those among us who don't believe, or those who profess Christianity but whose lives don't reflect that.  May God have mercy on us all.

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