watching TV this way?? I didn't ask:) |
Actually it's been a little more than six months since we've been home but I'm just now getting to this post:/ Things have been going pretty well at our house. We are enjoying the warmer weather, well we were at least until yesterday. Summer is looking to be a blast with our crazy 3 year old. He has been changing so much lately, and all for the better! Gone is the shy, scared, emotionally fragile little boy. He has been replaced with an outgoing, silly, funny, smart, helpful, BIG boy who has an undeniable zest for life and can't seem to quit smiling! He greets nearly everyone we pass in a store or wherever we are with a hearty " HI HOW ARE YOU!" He is also best friends with his cousins Marcus and Matthew, I'm pretty sure they are his hero's. LOL They come down to Grandma's house every day to play with Kai when he is there. He loves every member of his family though, his Uncle Travis and Aunt Jamie are also favorites:)
Helping Mommy clean |
Kai has also been doing noticeably better at playing by himself and not having to follow me from room to room. Now I'm not saying that he doesn't still follow me A LOT, just that it is getting better. I've had my toes stepped on more in the last six months than ever before in my life and yesterday he was following me so close that when I stopped he ran into the back of me and flew backwards onto his bottom. HA But I'll take progress and I have heard from others moms that there first child was like that too.
Kai on his"motorcycle" |
Other progress that Kai is making is he is now very good at riding a tricycle! At first his legs were just so weak, he had no strength in them, he just couldn't push hard enough to peddle. NO more! He loves his trike I just wish we had a nicer and safer place for him to ride it. Steering and concentration could use a little more practice but he gets by:) He also used to have no interest in playing or interacting with children his age at all. It was beginning to concern us, he would play with older kids or adults that would humor him and do what he told them to do, but a peer held no interest. Well about three weeks ago he made friends with our little neighbor boy, they are so cute together I just can't stand it! Since then he has shown more interest in other kids and does very well with sharing so far.
finally getting some outside toys! |
Last week he played in his new sandbox by himself while I gardened for quite a while, I was so impressed! Outside was especially bad for clinging and not wanting to play. He did come over after about 30 minutes and did a very good job helping me plant beans. He is really into helping right now and is so proud of himself after he does. If I sweep the floor, he gets his little broom and sweeps too, if I vacuum, he gets his golf caddy and pretends its a vacuum and helps me, he even helps clean the toilet if I let him!
loving his sandbox! |
finally getting his rowboat ride:) |
Kai is into rowboats right now, he has been begging for a boat ride for a while, last weekend he finally got his wish! He also likes to fish but really isn't fit to have a real hook as it is flying everywhere the whole time! His favorite show is Dora and they talk a lot about boats, and life jackets. They also talk about wearing your seat belt so he has been known to remind folks to buckle up! ha!
ready for a picnic under the "brella" |
Language has improved so much it's crazy! I notice a difference every week. I once said that I don't care if he talks nonstop I just want him to speak English so bad. Guess what? I got my wish! Seriously the kid never shuts up, he talks and talks and talks. He talks about anything he sees or what ever pops into his head. The Chinese has been long gone for a while now actually. I really don't mind him talking as long as he isn't repeating the same thing over and over again. lol He can now sing his favorite song in English, twinkle twinkle little star. Before he sang it in his own made up language. He can count to 12, and say his ABC's. He is beginning to identify letters but just barely. He is doing better with colors but still doesn't always get them right. He knows how to write his name in his head, but just can't get his hand to do what he wants it to do.
spending time with Great Grandma Smith! |
Another thing I noticed is that his attention span is a lot longer than what it used to be and he is getting better at using his imagination. It used to be if I gave him play dough, he would just look at it, he didn't know what to make or how to make it. He would maybe squish it around for about 5 minutes and then say all done. I finally stopped giving it to him because he just didn't really like it. Today I tried it again. He played and played and made everything from a snake to french fries. He was pretending and doing what I showed him to do. It was so great to see him pretending and playing and talking to himself!
Just look at that form! Future Hiland Hawk:))) |
Sports are also becoming more interesting to our little guy. He's been asking for a soccer ball which he got yesterday and really likes his basketball hoop from Great Grandma Smith as well as baseball and golf. This is quite hilarious as neither Reuben or I are into sports at all! I do my best to play anyway, he doesn't know how bad I am at it:) Other things Kai loves- firetrucks, pick-ups, trains, troll bridges, tunnels, semi's, teasing our elderly dogs, going to Gramma Cindy's, eating chips, watching TV in Mommy and Daddy's bed, playgrounds, ice cream, going bye-bye, suckers, gummy bears, drinking large amounts of water before bedtime, school buses, and rainbows. The list really does go on. He loves everything about life. Even if he is in trouble I have to tell him to stop smiling. He has been a little more naughty lately, probably due to his new found Independence. He has also been eating a little better lately too. He is just such a hoot. We really enjoy him and so does everyone else. What a little blesssing:)