Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Friday, October 5, 2012

A kinda, sorta, pretty much bad day!

                Well I'm really glad it's friday.  Warning- this blog post will probably be more information than most people really care to know but I'm in the mood to vent and it's getting to be time to ditch the niceties and get real.  LOL Here we go!
               Today I had to leave work early to go to my Hematologist appointment at Aultman Hospital.  For  those of you that don't know I have a history of DVT(Deep Vein Thrombosis) or blood clots.   I will be giving myself an injection of blood thinner on the day we fly to China and on the day we fly home.  I've also had to see a vascular surgeon to get a recommendation about compression stockings which I will have to wear on the plane and pretty much all the time according to him:)  This all was very trying and took a lot of time I don't have, but I'm happy to say it's done!  I have my script for my blood thinner and my compression hose so we are good to go!!  yay  One big thing to cross off my to do list. (Did I mention I had to have 17, yes 17 vials of blood drawn before I left the hematologist office!)
               This week we have also been not so patiently waiting on our article 5.  We did not receive that.  Reuben contacted our adoption agency this morning and they said that this week was a holiday in China and everything was closed all week!  Everything is a week behind so basically we will not be able to fly out on the 2nd of November like we had hoped:(  We are just so bummed and feeling like everything takes so much longer than it should. Who knows how long we will have to wait on our TA??  Not us.  
          Reuben also got a phone call on his way home from work from the dude with the Courier service we hired in NY to hand carry our Visa ap to the Chinese Consulate.  Apparently they kicked out our Visa ap because Reuben booked our Hotel in China in his name only, which was the only option it gave him and just said two people coming.  We had to hurry and book another room in my 
name only and are still waiting on a confirmation e-mail form this Chinese Hotel so we can send it to the courier guy who can take it to the consulate and hopefully get our Visa ap approved tomorrow morning since they are closed Monday for Columbus day or whatever! AHHH

     Other than that we've had several hurdles we have been trying to work out over the last several months.  Well I have anyway.  The first is trying to find someone to work for me while we are in China and then work two days a week once I come back  since I am hoping to work only three days a week. That is a very specific order to fill.  I have a prospect but nothing is set in stone and it's kinda hard since I don't know exactly when we are leaving. The second is my health issues.  I seem to have developed Gall Bladder problems in the last couple of months.  My best guess as to why that is is STRESS!  That too is somewhat under control but I'm still dealing with pain pretty much daily.  I've really tried to get a 
handle on my stress level but that is easier said than done with all this going on.  So that is pretty much the run down on what is going on with us/ me.  I know I sound very negative and that is probably because at this very moment that is how I'm feeling.  We know in our brains that God's got this and his timing is perfect but it is still hard to feel that way when your little boy is half way across the world.  Tomorrow will be a better day:)

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