Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Monday, October 8, 2012


              Well I'm back with an update...kinda.  We got an email from our agency this morning saying that the consulate is closed today, again, for Columbus Day.  Yes apparently they celebrate Chinese and American Holidays over there.  So we are looking at the END of the week instead of the beginning for our article five.  The Agency says we can expect our TA around the 26th of October (we will see)and they will contact the liaison in China to set up our consulate appointment.  Our entire trip will be built backwards from that appointment date.  It will be one of our last days in China so it all depends on Thanksgiving and if or when or how stinking long they are closed for that.  Lets just say that, that email did not really bring us comfort.   My oh so patient husband is now a raging bull. ha
         I had to take Drew to his groomer appointment today so I had some time to kill.  I went to the mall since I need to get new tennis shoes before we go to China and thought I'd look for a long sleeve shirt or two for Kai and I also wanted to get a binky and a bottle with fast flow nipple just in case.  Usually shopping for Kai is a great way for me to lift my mood and even feel closer to him or our trip or whatever but today I just felt like I was suffocating or about to hyperventilate or something so I ditched that idea and headed to walmart to grab some groceries
     I did that and did get him the Binky etc and some snack/food items to take along.  I grabbed Drew and headed home to wash and sanitize every sippy, snack container, bottle, binky in the house and go through Kai's closet and drawers four times at least.  Sadly I'm feeling a little better now!  lol  I guess we all cope differently.
    Well I will give a heads up when we get our Article 5, hopefully sooner than we think!!!

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