Wow where do I even start? Gotcha day started out with me waking up feeling incredibly dizzy and nauseous. I forced myself to eat a little breakfast and took everything in my arsenal for stomach issues. I managed to hold it together for a good part of the day. We met our guide in the lobby of the hotel about 8:45am. WE went with a driver to a somewhat run down strange building. We where the first of three families to arrive. Kai was the last child to arrive as he was coming from the farthest away. While we where waiting on Kai to get there we started talking to one of the other families that was there. The where adopting a boy probably about 7 or 8 and had another little boy about 11 with them. Reuben asked if this is there second child and they said no, this is number 12! wow. So we started asking were each other is from and they said they are From Lancaster PA so we knew they would probably know about Holmes County. Turns out the wife is a sister to Loren Wengerds wife Ruth from Wilmot! Loren and Ruth have been close friends of our family since I was a little girl. Seriously, half way across the world in a crappy little building in China we run into to someone like that! What are the odds?
So Kai came walking in with his arms full of snacks and I went over a picked him up. He didn't cry he just sat on my lap with absolutely no expression on his face. One of the people with him opened his snacks and he started chowing down on what looked like a granola bar type thing made of honey smacks and a whole tube of strawberry cream oreos. Ya those weren't messy at all. He also had a small carton of some room temperature rank smelling milk which I only gave him enough of to be polite. We filled out a bunch of paperwork and took turns holding Kai. From there we got back into the van and headed out to have our family picture taken. It was getting pretty warm in the van and Kai was sweating so I started to take off a few layers. He had on a fleece sweatshirt that said "winter girl" on the front and a red THICK sweater vest on under that. Then he was wearing another pink brown and white sweater under that and a pink mock turtle neck under that as well as pink long johns and swishy pants with his socks pulled up over the Long johns and the infamous tom and jerry shoes. Our guise took us down stone steps to this strange under ground photoish place with not door, just like a tunnel opening where there was a large collie dog sleeping on a dilapidated couch. We quickly got our picture taken and headed off the the super market. After battling terrible traffic we went down into an underground parking garage and went back a filthy hallway to a freight type elevator that reeked of rotten garbage. That took us to the two story wal-martish store where we got some diapers, wipes, bananas and milk. This is where Kai spoke his first word! He said something and I looked and he was pointing at some apples. I said "apple" and he repeated me! I would've got him a couple but we had no knife or anything at the hotel;. So after that we finally got back to the hotel where we stripped Kai down and gave him a bath and some cheerios and instant oatmeal which he proceeded to gag on. He doesn't like mushy foods, crunchy is better. He started wailing when Reuben picked him up and I was able to comfort him. About this time I started feeling to terrible that poor Reuben ended up taking care of him the rest of the night while I lay on the couch sick as a dog. Reuben is so good with him, they played and played and we started to see a little a Kai's personality come out, he laughed and laughed and ate Mcdonalds french fries and a granola bar for supper. Right now it is 4 in the morning here and boy is Kai a rough sleeper. He kicks and turns all directions in the bed. No covers for him. He also laughed out loud and was jabbering in Chinese like crazy in his sleep. I'm feeling a lot better today so far but still a little dizzy and weak which is probably because other than a little breakfast I only ate crackers and sprite all day. Today we go to the orphanage, please pray that I feel ok an that Kai can take the emotions that he will be feeling today. It is a two hour drive one way to is will be a long day. I really miss everyone and my normal food but I'm trying to just enjoy this time and know that it is all just memories will will always have! We are also hoping to maybe meet up with the couple from Lancaster maybe at breakfast or at supper. See ya soon!
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