We've had an interesting couple of days. Yesterday we went sightseeing a little bit with our guide which was really nice because we are going stir crazy big time in our hotel room. We went to an arts museum in this huge old building that was originally a family school or something like that and a lot of artist display and sell their stuff there. It was very neat. It continued to rain all day yesterday and today again so I'm not having the bast hair days ever. I'm pretty sure it's rained almost non-stop everyday we were in China except for maybe 2-3 day. It really puts a damper on going out and doing stuff. We also did some other shopping and got back to the hotel maybe 1 o'clock. Reuben and I where both wishing our guide would have kept us longer as we did not feel like sitting in the room all afternoon and evening but she didn't. Last night we ventured out to a Mexican restaurant and it was probably the best dining experience we've had yet. The waitresses spoke pretty good English and actually didn't stand by our table and watch us eat. The food was pretty good but not very authentic, my burrito tasted just like pizza, ha. Kai really liked his burrito and french fries. This morning we had to get up very early for our consulate appointment and that went very well. 12 families were there with us. After the appointment the driver took us to Shamian island for just like an hour or so and we did a little shopping. He couldn't wait any longer than that and we didn't trust trying to get a cab so we came back. Next time we would definitely stay on the island verses here at the Garden, much more quiet with little shops and restaurants. Way less intimidating. I'm pretty sure one of the shop keepers there called me a fat in a round about way since she said I must like to eat. ugh! She did call Reuben fat outright. Nice.
So that has been our last two days other than being lazy in the hotel room. Kai has definitely changed since our first few days together, wow. We are not used to nor were we prepared for the crazy man he is. I daily/hourly pray for patience but still sometimes feel like I don't have any. He is testing us big time, we aren't real sure how to handle him at times to tell you the truth, this is all as new to us as it is to him. we talked to a lady at the consulate who is adopting a little girl like a month younger than Kai and she looked as weary as we are and said she is having the same problems with naughtiness as we are. that made us feel a lot better that we re not alone. It probably is his age for the most part. I'm very surprised how much more of a "baby" he is then I expected and I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean literally like a baby. He needs to be rocked to sleep for the most part and just seems a lot younger than almost three. He is starting to understand some English words, come, go get Daddy, stop, pee pee, night night, bye bye, puppy, baby etc. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to understand "no" lol. No, he knows what it means he just doesn't believe in it I guess.
Tomorrow afternoon at four we are hoppng on a van bound for Hong Kong, a three and a half hour drive. We are then staying at a hotel that is attached to the airport there and flying out at like eleven in the morning on a 13 hour flight bound for Chicago! I'm gonna kiss the ground there and maybe the first American I see! We then have a four hour layover and we will have to battle customs and immigration. We then fly from Chicago to Columbus and have 2 hour drive home! We are gonna be so beat and then we will have jet lag all over again and have a 2 year old with his sleep all messed up. yikes. Well, Maybe one more post before we leave but that depends on if Kai thinks it's a good idea for me to be on the computer or not:)
A blessing to meet your family, and where in Amish Country are you? We would love to meet you!W e adopted our daughter in China 3yrs ago.
ReplyDeleteKeep holding and rocking your child they don't get that as newborns,our daughter still likes to be cuddled in a blanket,they need that healing process. we are close to Mt Eaton.
The Yoder's